Marketing is one of those fields

Marketing is one of those fields in which there are no straightjacket formulas. What may work for one may be a disaster for another. The core of any marketing campaign depends on your target market and its psychology. It is essential to understand what your customers will think about your campaign. Also, it would be best if you had an idea about what may go wrong after starting the campaign and had a plan B to do the damage control. Plus, there are some common mistakes that a marketer may make. Here are a couple of them that you need to avoid. 

1. Pre-conceived notions – 
Making assumptions about the market that you are going into will only lead to the failure of your campaign. A great marketing campaign always starts from scratch. Whenever you are trying to develop a campaign, always study the market first. Every new drive should be initiated with thorough research of your target market. The dynamics of your market change every second; thus, it is crucial that you develop research accordingly. 

2. Unattainable deadlines – 
There are scarce instances of overnight marketing success. Every marketing campaign requires a reasonable amount of time and consistency. You cannot go in to develop campaigns that will give you a vast consumer market in a fortnight. Never set impossible and unattainable deadlines for your marketing campaigns. It will only end up ruining your marketing strategy. 

As said earlier, there is no unique formula for achieving marketing success. You need to experiment, learn, unlearn, and fail from time to time to get a good grip on your market.